Washington, the Media and Miss Molly’s Magic Mirror
Tell me today, did all my friends have fun at play? I see Chuckie and Nancy are having a special day! So are Wolf and Rachel.
The halls of Congress and the TV networks of America have become the new Romper Rooms of all those grown-up, high-minded, humanistic kids from the Fun Farm.
I have a message for you --- cut the crap!
Washington, the media, the Deep State and all those lunatics on Facebook have become completely unhinged. Okay, so you don’t like Trump, we get it --- but the mad melee has gone on too long. Your sore-loser antics are subversive; your temper tantrums are jeopardizing national security, and your hysterics are compromising our financial institutions.
Newsflash --- Most Americans don’t care about James Comey or Michael Flynn. We don’t even care all that much about the Russians. We care about lowering taxes, reducing crime, improving our schools, and fixing healthcare. And, we care about preventing another airliner from flying into a building on a Tuesday morning and incinerating 3000 people in their desk chairs.
You are tone deaf. You’re not hard of hearing, mind you --- you have selective auditory attention. You’re unresponsive, impassive and indifferent to what matters to us. Most worrisome of all, you’re dangerous.
What has gone on inside the Belt Way is disgraceful. The parsing of syntax and the hyper-scrutiny of intent is a waste of national time and money. The hairsplitting of hearsay, tattle and prattle is exasperating. The bureaucratic ‘fiddle about’ is utterly shameful and the level of hypocrisy is contemptible.
Let’s be clear. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are the Sammy Sosa, Mark Maguire and Barry Bonds of the Washington Home Run Derby. If Bernie Madoff had a news network, it would be MSNBC. Their stories read like a Who’s Who of “Kill the Guy in the White House.” The New York Times, CNN and the Washington Post are the Milli Vanilli of journalism. Do you really write that stuff yourselves or do you outsource it? And then there’s the snowy-haired brat of broadcasting Anderson Cooper --- the balloon boy of news anchors and the little dickens of The Old Curiosity Shop.
Walter Cronkite has been rolling over in his grave so violently, he now needs a mausoleum.
You’re all acting out like screaming kids in the toy aisle of Target --- the Veruca Salts of Willy Wonka’s Golden Egg Room, the Veda Pierces of Mildred’s Restaurant, and the Draco Malfoys of Slytherin House. We had hoped you would “cry it out” but now you’re in full melt down and well on the way to hissy-fitting us right back into a recession and a full-fledged fiscal collapse.
If we lose our pensions and retirements because you don’t like this President, then you will have blood on your hands! You’ll be splattered with the sacrifice of millions of Americans that have painfully clawed their way back from the Great Recession. You will sit with the nervous sweat of the countless workers that have scraped and saved in dollars and cents --- Monday through Friday for their future. You will be smeared with the muck and mire of the of every day folks that climb into ditches, factories and fields to do the tough jobs that keep this country going --- unlike yours.
To actively erode the American dream to soothe your battered egos is sedition. It makes you no better than common thugs, but you are far worse. You are swindlers of public opinion, deviants of public service, and deserters of the common man. You like to hear yourself talk, read your own posts, spin in a centrifuge of self, and hyperventilate in a frothy latte of utter hogwash. You are legends in your own microphone, but we aren’t listening.
It’s high time to put your big boy and girl pants on, thread your little zippers, tie your grown-up shoes, and do the work of the American people.