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A while back someone said to me, “So, you’re from California, you must have voted for Clinton.” I smiled and walked away. A little while after that one of my clients said to me, ‘Well, you’re a woman so you obviously voted for Hillary.” Again, I smirked and turned away. Just recently an acquaintance said to me, “You’re gay so you clearly voted for the Democratic ticket across the board, right?” Once again, I grinned and excused myself. While these three individuals were wrong about me, they were not wrong about the three ‘special interest’ groups that I find myself in. Yes, we’ve become that predictable. For Californians, women and gays --- the presidential election was over before it started. They didn’t need to watch a single debate, review one policy position, or consider any of the larger issues of national security, immigration, corporate regulations, taxation, GDP or job growth.

This is not only disingenuous, it’s dishonest. Single Issue Voters or what I call Sissvots are the single biggest threat to American society. Sissvots operate on two essential principals --- sanctimony and selfishness. It is sometimes both but at the very least they are always motivated by one or the other.

Sissvot Californians are the epitome of sanctimony. You see, all the years of fruits, nuts, sun and surf have convinced them that they’re morally superior to the rest of the country. Here on the West coast, they have anointed themselves the new repository for all the “huddled masses” from the “teeming shores” of all the world as long as said “refuse” doesn’t wind up in their Beverly Hills neighborhoods or their Silicon Valley communities.

Sissvot women care about one thing --- abortion. They want it free, funded, and on-demand. It is not a moral issue for them, and they react violently to those who question the viability of a fetus. They don’t care if it’s life or not life. They don’t care when it begins, just that it ends. If you disagree with them you’re considered backward and backwoods. You’re dubbed a right wing, red neck and subjected to a verbal assault about God, guns and NASCAR. And they are deathly afraid of any mumble, murmur or whisper about Roe versus Wade.

Most gays only care about gay things: same-sex marriage, wedding cakes, rainbows, parades, etc. They are fiercely homogenous. They view things as either good or bad, black or white, gay or straight. As a group, they can be tyrannical and one dimensional. And make no mistake about it, they will eat their own. We are ‘not family’ if you’re not a progressive liberal. Gay individuals are forbidden to ‘think straight’ or deviate from ‘the gay program.’ There is a ‘them’ and an ‘us’ mentality --- which smacks more of paranoia than progressivism.

Ironically, Sissvots as a group go against those very things that they claim to embrace like globalism, collectivism and socialism. There’s nothing farther from a bleeding heart than feigned goodwill and self-righteous outrage. There is nothing less collective than one who is singular focused and only looks out for himself or herself. And there is nothing less tolerant, than a group that demonizes all those who think and act differently than they do --- is there?

A brief study of the Sissvot doctrine reveals a level of hypocrisy that is so ingrained it has become matter of fact. Their insincerity is so deep-rooted, it has become a personality trait. And, their duplicity is so innate, that it has become acceptable and there lies the danger for society.

These groups like to protest and despite their embrace of anti-violence, most of their demonstrations lead to something being stomped, smashed or burned. Their cause ignites into a self-feeding frenzy and a herd of hate mentality that descends into vile language, lewd gestures, and hostile threats. Oh, and while you can’t disrupt their rallies, they can threaten, bully and terrorize everyone else’s. So much for peace and love. So much for inclusion. So much for the big tent.

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