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a sissvot - a single issue voter


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I have never been a single issue or a special interest creature. I think people that vote on those grounds are mercenary and do a disservice to every US citizen. I put my country above all else. I am a woman but not a delicate or a sensitive human. I don’t care who says what about my body or my anatomy. I deem it white noise and a distraction from the bigger things that will either propel us forward for the balance of this century or leave us on the ash-heap of history.


The Sissvot believes otherwise. They are 'all in' for what they want and when they want it.


I think “Political Correctness” is the communicable blight of the last decade and a clear perversion of our American story. We cannot legislate good behavior or repair bad behavior by chastising the innocent by-standers of society. We should never change or compromise our Constitution to suit a political wind or a partisan squall. And penalizing people for being rich and successful goes against the very American notion of achievement.


The Sissvot does not see it this way. They only see it their way.


As a country, we are exhausted by the race-baiting, gender goading, class warring, prevaricators. They are ne’er-do-wells that undermine the fabric of our American story for their own advancement. Unfortunately, selective privilege and special entitlements have chomped up Washington faster than Pac Man on power pellets. And we have become the frightened, blue ghosts waiting to be consumed by a devouring force that we can neither fight nor flee from.


The Sissvots are that devouring force. Their belief system is the scorched earth of political discourse. It is a dark, narrow tunnel --- where freedom goes to die. 

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